Saturday, October 31, 2015

POL 166
Prof. Murdaco
October 31, 2015
Assignment # 5

Choose a paragraph from one of the reading assignments and explain why you chose that paragraph
From A Lecture On The Anti-Slavery Movement, 1855

“Past organizations may perish, but the cause will go on. That cause has a life, distinct and independent of the organizations patched up from time to time to carry it forward. Looked at apart from the bones and sinews, and body, it’s a thing immortal. It is the very essence of justice, liberty and love. The moral life of human society – it cannot die, while conscience, honor and humanity remain. If but one be filled with it, the cause lives…If there be but one such man in the land, no matter what becomes of abolition societies and parties, there will be an anti – slavery cause, and an anti – slavery movement…”

I chose this paragraph because it exhibits Douglas’ dedication to the end of slavery. Douglas, to a gathering of what might have appeared to be like-minded individuals, Douglas challenges the audience to re-evaluate the methods in which the “four principal divisions.” are operating towards the goal of emancipation.  Douglas states that these four branches all claim to be working toward anti-slavery but their ultimate end result would not rid the country of slavery and might diminish the current organizations. Douglas discusses the power of the anti-slavery movement and the unmistakable momentum that has taken over as the movement has grown. This type of momentum has since been replicated in such modern day movements as the Gay Rights and Black Lives Matter movements. Once a particular issue has engaged a large enough number of the population it becomes an entity with a life all it’s own. The movement then must be addressed because of the number of people pushing for the change, whether in the community, State or Nation.

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