Saturday, December 5, 2015

POL 166
Prof. Murdaco
December 05, 2015
Joan Callahan
Assignment # 9

Choose a passage from one of the posted readings and explain how the decision was made and why you chose it and why you believe this case is important.

Brown V Board of Education 1953-1954

Despite the equalization of the school by "objective" factors, intangible issues foster and maintain inequality. Racial segregation in public education has a detrimental effect on minority children because it is interpreted as a sign of inferiority. the long-held doctrine that separate facilities were permissible provided they were equal was rejected. Separate but equal is inherently unequal in the context of public education. the unanimous opinion sounded the death-knell for all forms of state-maintained racial separation.

"Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1)." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech, n.d. Dec 5, 2015. <> 

I chose this passage because it changed the cultural outlook for the entire country.  This decision paved the way for the Civil Rights movement.  Although we still struggle as a country  with disparity and inequality among our many races and cultures, this decision allowed for the enforcement of these civil rights for all. We can see the forward momentum, albeit slow momentum, toward embracing the many cultures of our countries inhabitants. We have seen the rights of minorities which include race, sex, age, and sexual preference come to the forefront of our Judicial system and triumph over discrimination and adversity. We still have a long way to go in ensuring that every inhabitant of this country is afforded equal rights but we are on the right path.  

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